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DMV Food Scene

Eating & Drinking Local in the DMV

🍕 ❤️🍷🦀💃🏽🍻


DRINK AT Rar Brewing | Cambridge, MD


Located about an hour west of Ocean City, MD you’ll find a popular brewery that has been slinging some delicious brews since 2013. Over the years I’ve tried about 30 of their magical beers – fruited sours, pale ales, double NEIPAs, milkshake IPAs, and stouts. You can get full pours and flights at the brewery so you can try any and all of the beers they have to offer.

We usually visit the RAR taphouse on our way to Ocean City but have also been to their annual RAR “Dank Day” Festival at the Sailwinds park in Cambridge back in 2018 and 2019.