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DMV Food Scene

Eating & Drinking Local in the DMV

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EAT AT All Set Restaurant & Bar | Silver Spring, MD


Located in Downtown Silver Spring, All Set was the perfect dinner stop before a recent concert at the @fillmoresilverspring. They have a wide variety of food options from New England-inspired seafood to Southern-style BBQ.

After quickly scrolling through their IG feed, I had my eye on their lobster roll. They allow you to choose your preparation- hot or cold, depending on your preference (Served Hot with Drawn Butter or Cold with a Tabasco Lime Mayonnaise). I had only tried the cold versions before, so I knew I had to switch it up. They also give you the option of a 3oz or 5oz portion size depending on your hunger and wallet size. I knew I’d be jumping around at the concert later that evening, so I stuck with the smaller portion.

The warm and buttery lobster, topped with chopped chives, was served alongside a pile of crispy French fries. The warm lobster roll is a game changer, and probably my favorite version I’ve had to date. The potato bun is buttered and toasted as well, creating an all-around comforting experience.